Bizzard has had many hit games. It's trademark polish really makes their games great. In fact, Starcraft: Ghost is still
in development. They are making it good. But, I'm here to talk about their most famous franchise: Warcraft. The third in the
series, this game is a typical Blizzard game. Good.
This game is very good graphics wise. It is a 3D game, so you can zoom into the action and see
your men fighting it out. It doesn't have any fancy bloom effects like Age of Empires III, but it is not an eyesore. Also,
the combat is very well done. It is very realistic. 9/10
This game very good for unit control. Unfortunatly, the unit selection rate is very low. You can only select 12 units at
a time. This makes it a pain to move large armies. Something you can do to compensate is make groups and move them that way.
Since this a RTS, you build buildings. This is very simple to do has there are lots of buildings to confuse you with. It keeps
you concentrated on the action. 9/10
This game has mediocre sound. Is is not bad or good. There is the normal unit sounds when you slect
the, they say things. If you keep clicking them, they start saying ridiculous things. The music is good, with an original
score. 8/10
Single Player
This game has weak single player. The game engine and command system is good, but the stroy
line is pretty weak. I dont even know what happened in the Night Elf Campaign. In the skirmishes, the computer is way to easy.
There is no way to turn up the difficulty, however. So skirmishing is only good for trying out stupid ideas. 7/10
Multi Player
The game's multiplayer is what puts Warcraft 3 ahead of the pack. It, of course, uses Blizzard's
free online matchmaking service of What Warcraft 3 does to make it suberb is that is has a matchmaking serice,
where you select what kinda of game you want and it finds one for you, preferably with people at your level. The more games
you win, the higher your level. As with Starcraft, this game comes with a map editor that allows you to make your own maps.
There are very fun maps that people have made, including Footman Frenzy, Defence of the Anceints (Dota) and the mauls. Thsi
game is the most advanced multiplayer I have in a PC release. 11/10
Pros: - Awesome Multiplayer
- Good, easy
- Good Preformance
Cons: - Weak Story
- Easy computers.
Final Score
Blizzard delevered a weak Storied game, but makes up for it in the Multiplayer.