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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Review

By Curtis Wright

Few games have turned so many heads as GTA series. You've gotlawsuits and blames flying left and right. People are saying

it promotes violence. Check your stats. It doesn't. Anyway, what they always fail to mention is that it is and awesome game.

You start out with nothing and everything to gain. In this game almost every stat you can think of you can improve upon.

You can waste your time shooting pool, playing old school video games, or BMXing around town. Once you get bored of that,

you can do story missions that are very solid. They're story line isn't one you can really identify with, but it makes you

wish you could.

After enough missions, you get dumped in the middle of nowhere and then eventually you get to go to San Fierro(San Fransisco).

Then, after more missions, you go to Los Venturas(Las Vegas). It's world is huge and if you are too lazy to drive, or fly

or swim or walk to other cities, you can take a jet for $500.

GTA:SA doesnt get where it is by sheer amounts of stuff to do. It gets it by thr small things. Like a gun shop, where you

can hone your skills in the back. Or if you complete enough fire truck, police or ambulance missions, you get rewarded not

only through money, but also through advances. You can work out at the gym and get fat, or eat at Cluckin Bell and die from

a heart attack chasing after pill bugs.

This game is not perfect, how ever. It's graphics are outdated and occiansionally you get wierd freakouts. So, here is the

game in a convientant list:<


  • Massive Sandbox

  • The Little Things

  • Depth

  • Controls


  • Graphics

Total Score:


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